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Wednesday 6 April 2011

Just not meant to be together

How many of you have found the "Right One"? How many, among them, is now being together? I think it's clear, as it stated on the picture, that some people are meant to fall in love with each other, but not meant to be together. And it applies both for straight and gay people.

When you have finally found the right person, there are two possibilities: [1] you two will be together or [2] you will remain separated even if you're falling in love with each other. The possibility number 2 could happen for so many different reasons.

A friend of mine has fallen for a number of girls. Every time she texts me, she mentions a different name that I can't even keep track of their names and even get confused with each girls. Lately, she finally found a girl and has been talking about her for quite some time now. Seems like they both are in love with each other, except the "Right Girl" is considered not gay. That's why they just can't be lovers because she doesn't want to be gay.

Even though we could come up with an opinion that if you are falling in love with someone, sexuality doesn't matter. If you're falling in love, you're falling in love. Label isn't something that has to be sticked to every individual; John Doe #1 is gay, John Doe #2 is straight, Jane Doe #3 is lesbian, and so on. And that's it... so simple... the simplicity of two people falling in love.

You see, how easy it is to meet someone and fall in love with him/her. You fall in love and you want to be with the person you love. The hardest part of it is to deal with the fact that you can't be with him/her for any different reason. Either you're a non-believer in coincidence or fate, there'll be always a reason that two people in love are not meant to be together.

Everyone may have vary reactions; sad, depressed, still hoping, angry, frustrated, etc. Whatever you're feeling, you consider yourself unhappy. And then it starts to crush your life, you feel numb, emotional, dysfunction, and even self-destructive.

It is okay to react as what you're feeling. They say love is pain, actually, and it is fine to feel it... feel the pain. It's okay to mourn over your dead-end-love, you can cry out loud, you can be sad all week long... (I know for some people, it can last for a very long time)... you can do whatever you want. It shows how much love you have for him/her. I think he/she is lucky to be deep-loved by someone like you.

The important thing is that you have to finally find your own happiness. It's crystal clear that the love you have makes you unhappy... and you don't deserve such thing for loving someone like that. Just remember that you, with your sweet heart, deserve better. And to do so, you need to make a peace with yourself. I'm not saying that it is as easy as a piece of cake. Dealing with the fact is never easy for everyone.

Always remember that life must go on, and if he/she can make piece with it, you definitely can, too. As they say, happiness is like a perfume, you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself. Once again I tell you that you deserve a better life and happiness. If you have finally deal with it, I salute you for doing so. Cheers!


Kay Chen said...

I know I deserve better, that's why I am aiming for Emily Fields this time. :P hahaha...

Rae said...

Bo cepet aja lo hahaha... iya iya bagus bagus. I wish you luck! *cross finger* hehehe

Stefanie said...

Nice post :) will ask Nits to read this :D

Anonymous said...

Nice written...



Rae said...

Well, good luck, Nit :)

Nitz said...

Rae, nice blog ...
suka ama themenya juga :)

Rae said...

Hehehe, thanks, Nit :D

Anonymous said...

jiaahaha, sepertinya diriku sedang mengalami " just not meant to be together" ini deh..huhuhu