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Monday 9 August 2010

I'll Meet You There

Pagi-pagi Kopi memulai gombalannya dengan lagu Owl City yang judulnya "I'll Meet You There".

If we could sit together a moment

And talk forever just to pass the time

I would smile as the shivers and chills run down my spine

When your eyes are locked on mine

Oh we'll fill the metro skies with country air

And when you close your tired eyes I'll meet you there

I'll meet you there

Deep inside of you there's a ruby glow

And it gets brighter than you and I will ever know

There's a rushing sound that surrounds us when we walk alone

And it's everything we've never known

Wander down the street

And I would be the pavement beneath your feet

If we could just be immobile for some time

And finally figure out the way we feel

About the missing puzzle pieces and cloudy question marks

That still look a bit surreal

Oh I tend to disappear here and there

So concentrate and you'll feel me everywhere

And we'll fill the metro skies with country air

If you're lost when you close your eyes I'll meet you there

(I'll meet you there)

I'll meet you there

You could be anywhere

I'll meet you there

You could be anywhere

I'll meet you there

Open your eyes and see (You could be anywhere)

Everything you can be

I'll meet you there

Open your eyes and see (You could be anywhere)

Everything you can be

I'll meet you there

Yeap, this could be another song recommended from me xp


Kay Chen said...

Arghh.. gw nulis panjang banget tadi commentnya, tapi hilang gara2 Flash Lemot! huhuhu..

Pertama-tama (hapus airmata dulu), I wanna say thanks buat Rae yang akhirnya membuka blognya buat gw! I am deeply flattered, hmm.. no... honored! haha.. At last I get to see the more real Rae. Rae kakak sulung yang ngemong walau kadang judes n cuek ma adik2nya, Rae teman baiknya Nut (btw, salam buat Nut (bilang, "Go Jacob!" hahaha I also have problems with my balance everytime I see those six pacs!, tapi emg kepalanya rasanya kekecilan buat badannya sih.. hehehe), Rae employee teladannya si Bos. I know now why Kopi falls in love with you. ^__^

(Kop, ini jadi bikin gw menaikkan derajat loe di mata gw loh. Loe gak lagi si dudul, monyong, mata keranjang, tukang gombal, lebay. Loe skrg juga pinter! hehehe..pinter karena uda milih Rae. Hehhehe!)

Kedua mau bilang, I am so glad to know you two. I mean, I get to see your love story. Hahaha It's so sweet, u gals make me think about C! (hiks lagi) To see how you were friends first but then became lovers. It is just so beautiful! Pingin jugaaaa... hikkss.. jadi ingat C lagi! Argghh! *tarik nafas panjang dulu..

Ketiga, apa ya.. duh lupa. Bentar! Ow! IYa.. pingin bilang ke Rae, please please write more in this blog, coz I really really really really love love love love love love love this blog! ^___^ pingin baca lebih buaaanyaaaakkk lagi tulisan Rae. Hehhe..

Last but not least, I finally get it gals! Emg beda! hahahaha.. ^___^ *bahasa kode ni.. kedip-kedip mata. hehehe..

(better copypaste lagi kalo tiba2 lemot lagi. arghh masi kesal ma Flash.) ^__^ can't wait to chat with you again.

Rae said...

Hihi, makasih, Kay. Hmm, iyananti gw juga bakal nulis lagi di sini :)