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Wednesday 16 October 2013

Jailed for Sarcastic Comment on Social Media

Well, thought I could just share this here. Ini video amatir buatanku demi memenuhi tugas kuliah dari salah satu course yang aku ambil semester ini yang bertemakan "social media failure".


So, better watch out what we say online. And it goes to all bloggers as well...


bybyq said...

Hi Rae...

I think this is interesting. I know that insensitive comment can bring someone in a big trouble, however, reporting sarcasm is a bit too much isn't it? And moreover, this kind of law could be dangerous if it is used by some politicians or crappy companies to shut down critics and citizen journalism. And it has been done in Indonesia...

Freedom of speech has indeed not limitless, and some people do really need to think twice before posting anything on their personal page, however charging a teenager for being careless, and treating him like a felony is a bit outrageous.

Rae said...

Hi Byq,

I think it's more to what he said and when he said it. It was just two months after the Sandy hook tragedy and the fact that he lived close to an elementary school, someone took his comment seriously. It was definitely a bad timing to say something about shooting up a bunch of kids after it did happen for real, with real victims. Yes, it was unnecessary to keep him in jail even after he was proved to be harmless. Might be as well all about bureau or something. My research didn't cover that part and only focused on the story itself to capture on what we can learn from this.

Anyway, I took a little time to google about what happened to BenHan. And apparently it was Ben's fault that he was arrested for his tweet. I mean, accusing someone without any prove is bad enough, and now he accused a politician with power and wrote it on social media. Well, it's foolish.

Regardless, every thing has two sides and so has the law. It has the good and the bad side. So, yeah, maybe we could start using social media wisely from now on...

bybyq said...

Hi Rae :)
I think my comment came up wrong. I did not mean to disagree with your points. I totally agree that the freedom of speech especially in the social media needs to be done with full responsibility.

I agree with you with this. I agreed that he was very insensitive and he was wrong doing that and then, and there is no excuse for that. It happened once in Indonesia, that someone made a sarcastic comment about Hari Raya Nyepi while he was living in Bali, and it enraged the Hindu Balinese.

I agreed that Benhan was foolish for one and many reasons, but he's just one from many.

I was agreeing with you although for me personally, UU ITE in Indonesia is very much abuse prone. It is so easy to be stretched to the point that nobody couldn't say anything. Of course the law is needed to protect people from fraud, or internet bullying. Have been bullied online, I know how important it is to have a law that can protect me.

But if we see it case by case, the punishment to these irresponsible insensitive brat is not what I call fair. He did not have the intention, unlike some people who deliberately posted racist comment based on hatred to a certain ethnicity. But of course the timing sucked... I couldn't blame people that his status has enraged people.

Rae said...

Hi Byq,

Aww, thought my comment came out wrong as well lol. I got your point and totally agreed with you in this. I mean, if the teenager has already been proved to be harmless then why didn't they just let him out. It was indeed too much and outrageous. I also agreed with you that whatever law is created, it's supposed to protect the netizens instead of ripping out their freedom of speech.

However, speaking of freedom of speech, I found something interesting while in here. I meet people from all around the world here and they have different perspectives about freedom. For example, people from China, they don't have much saying, not at all, about their country nor the government policies as the government has total power over the country. Or Malaysia, in which the media is fully controlled by the government. "Forget about freedom," is one of my colleagues from China said. The other said, "I love Australia, I love living in Melbourne as I feel free here."

So yeah, my point is every single human being has freedom of speech and nothing could bound this. But sometimes the reality sucks lol.

Ah, it's been such a good discussion. I'm so happy! :D I have never had any discussion about anything here before. But then again, nothing much can be discussed as I only post ramblings lol.

bybyq said...

Oooh... I thought I was the only one who noticed that. I have made some observation to the international students when I was studying in the UK, and asian student, especially from China would try to avoid as much as humanly possible to talk about political situation or things like that. They even felt so happy just to be able to set up a new facebook account, which they never had before...

I am glad that you enjoyed this discussion. I hope my comments did not come up harsh or offensive because sometimes I can be TOO enthusiastic while having a good discussion.

Have a nice day ^__^

Rae said...

It's been a good discussion, Byq. Looking forward for more other discussions! ;)