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Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Visa Renewal Grant


Yip. I finally received my new student visa today (Tuesday). In the afternoon my phone buzzed as the email coming in. The subject read: "IMMI Grant Notification", with a lot of codes and numbers. Somehow the codes and numbers make the email seem utterly important. Especially when they're in capital. So apparently I didn't have to wait too long for the medical examination result. That's what I'd call a top-notch service! A very well done, Bupa! (But I'm sorry I have to stick with Medibank for my Overseas Student Health Cover. I think you know why.)

I tapped on the subject and opened the attachment file. It is my visa. I scrolled down to read it briefly. There's my personal detail on it, along with the application code (it's what they put on the email subject) and visa grant number. On one page there's the detail of the document. It reads: 

Initial Stay Date: 15 March 2016
Must Not Arive After (or rather I would say "Gotta Get the Hell Out of Here After"): 15 March 2016
Stay Period: 15 March 2016

So that's it. 15 March 2016. Get whatever my plan is done before that date or I'll get my ass kicked out. Alright. Talking about the plans and money before bed turned out to be a bad move. I had a bad dream last night. I don't remember what it is but it's just really, really bad. I woke up tired in the morning. So I'm not going to do it again. 

One problem is solved. I can relax a bit for now. Just for a bit. One problem at a time, Rae. Remember? Aye, I'm trying here. I'm grabbing the thought in my hand now. You can't do everything all at once. I know that. Now will you shut up. (Oh, I'm talking to myself and usually have the full conversation in my head. I know it weirded you out. But try it yourself. It feels so damn good!)

Okay. So what now? Oh, right: Timetable. Well, I can do it tomorrow. It's no big deal. Mr J is just gonna be pissed at me. But so what? He can be pissy all he want but I'll do my timetable whenever I want. It's my timetable after all, no? 

Alright. Kidding. I'll do it first thing in the morning or anytime tomorrow. I'm gonna have to buckle up and start warming up for the ride. So tomorrow it is I'll be doing the timetable. Chop, chop! 

Until next post. 


Perempuan said...

Where r u going by the way?

Perempuan said...

Where r u going by the way?